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Annual meetings

ManagementAnette Heberlein
Lower Saxony Advisory Team
Contents- The concept of the "annual meeting" according to the TU Clausthal DV
- Differentiation from other types of meetings
- Objectives and preparation of meetings
- Topics and structure of meetings (meeting phases, checklist, etc.) - Framework conditions, documentation and confidentiality - "Aids to communication" - Feedback - Questioning techniques - What to do?
- General conditions, documentation and confidentiality
- Communication "tools"
- Feedback
- Questioning techniques
- What to do when things get difficult?
NoteThe content of the workshops for managers and employees is basically the same.
However, the focus is slightly different:
- In the management workshop, greater emphasis is placed on conducting the conversation and the framework conditions.
- In the workshop for employees, the expectations of the conversation and one's own contribution to promoting the atmosphere of the conversation are more strongly addressed.
DateFor managers
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 9 am - 1 pm
Location: Aula, Aulastr. 8, seminar room first floor
Datefor employees
Wednesday, March 05, 2025, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Aula, Aulastr. 8, seminar room first floor